We celebrated the 20th anniversary of the EVALabs with a Symposium (20th – 21st September 2024) and Summer School (22nd – 23rd September 2024). After a wonderful welcome reception on Friday at which Marcos Nadal (University of the Balearic Islands) talked about the field of empirical aesthetics and Helmut Leder’s (and with it the EVALabs) contribution to the field across the last 20 years.
Saturday was filled with a range of interesting talks from our invited speakers (see schedule below for topics). We heard from people who love what they do..
..and we heard about where the field is and where it may go in the future.
After such a full day a party was the right way to end the day before we started fresh into the next day which for the invited speakers involved a brunch at Helmut’s place and for all our summer school students with a little break before the program of the summer school.